Calls made for action against man who married 11-year-old

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Syarie Lawyers Association (PGSM) called for an investigation and action to be taken against the 41-year-old man from Kelantan who married an 11-year-old girl. Its president, Musa Awang in a statement urged the Kelantan Islamic Religious Department to also investigate those who were involved in the solemnisation of the couple and have […]

Activists: Govt must have political will to ban act

KUALA LUMPUR: A Syarie lawyers’ association has agreed for a standard operating procedure (SOP) for child marriage under Syariah law but activists say the Government must have the political will to ban it. Malaysia Syarie Lawyers Association president Musa Awang said he welcomed the Government’s decision to provide the SOP for underage marriage. “However, the […]

Laporkan kegiatan mak nyah

KUALA LUMPUR: Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri (JAIN) boleh mengambil tindakan terhadap individu atau golongan yang menonjolkan perwatakan bukan jantinanya seperti lelaki berlagak wanita di tempat awam dan media sosial. Presiden Persatuan Peguam Syarie Malaysia (PPSM), Musa Awang, berkata sekiranya terdapat aduan rasmi terhadap golongan mak nyah berkelakuan tidak bermoral di tempat awam, tindakan boleh diambil […]